Fortune HSQE meets the requirements for all company Documents and Manuals managed centrally and electronically.
Furthermore, our solution provides effortless scheduling, recording and monitoring of all Inspections and Audits performed by an established authority or external and internal auditors.
Additionally, Incident Management submodule will help your company track, analyze, and prevent unwanted consequences and costs related to Incidents or Accidents.
An important part of Fortune HSQE is also the ability to analyze and reduce the Risk of all vessel’s operations, supported through Fortune Risk Assessment submodule and the reporting, monitoring and record keeping for work and rest hours, through Fortune Crew Rest Hours submodule, both found in relative brochures.
Fortune HSQE is a state of the art integrated solution offering following functionality:
Document Management
- Create company’s documents library using the MS Office grouped into categories for easy reference.
- Full document control and versioning of documents and manuals.
- Review/Approve new documents revisions through workflow procedures.
- Extremely fast search into the documents library using keywords. Users have the ability to search either within a group of documents, or within all documents content and preview search results without having to open the document.
- Configuration of each vessel’s Documents Library, monitoring which documents are pending to be sent to vessels and which have been received.
- Ability to construct electronic forms and checklists according to company’s procedures and link documents with relative electronic forms and checklists.
- Reporting of electronic forms periodically and follow-up the overdue ones.
- Master’s Review reporting and follow-up on recommendations for Documents included in the Document Management Library or general comments of the Master.
- Record office & vessels’ Internal & External Inspections/Audits reports, retaining the historical information for future reference.
- Reporting of Inspections based on a Checklist / Questionnaire.
- Perform Root Cause Analysis for every Inspection’s Finding.
- Allocation of Actions to be taken to office users or crew responsible and follow-up their progress.
- Scheduling & Planning of Inspections & Audits, according to their periodicity and/or the Superintendents’ availability.
- Access Scheduled Inspections’ Calendar per inspector & per vessel.
- Calculation of each Inspection’s duration per personnel involved (Inspector, Superintendent etc.).
Incidents Management
- Record all Incidents/Accidents, Near Misses & Non-conformities, defining among other important information, their severity, the crew personnel involved and all real or potential consequences.
- Root Cause Analysis & Incident investigation capabilities for every Incident occurred at sea or ashore.
- Allocation of Actions to be taken to office users or crew responsible and follow-up their progress.
- Ability to communicate the Conclusion/Lessons Learnt of the Incident with all the vessels of the fleet.
- Injuries & Illnesses recording & Loss of Working Time calculation per seafarer involved.
- Link Incidents with company’s Electronic Forms or Checklists.
- Integration with Fortune Risk Assessment submodule.
For all submodules, the following features are also provided:
- Customizable screens according to user responsibilities and preferences.
- Notifications mechanism, alerting a single or a group of users ensuing from predefined conditions (e.g. incoming findings from vessels).
- Extensive reporting capabilities & KPIs. Dynamic representation of charts according to user’s preferences, as well as generation of statistical information, graphs, calculations etc. on all data inserted.
- Ability to add Links and/or Attachments of any type of documents on all entities (e.g. inspection, finding, action etc.).
- Central Roles & Permissions Management.
- Role Based dashboard.
- Replication (Data transfer ship to shore and vice versa via satellite).
- Interfaces with other systems.