Fortune Risk Assessment is a state of the art integrated solution offering following functionality:
- Creation of a Library of Operations, grouped into categories for easy reference.
- Identification of potential Hazards for each Operation & definition of Controls/Measures for every hazard.
- Reference with relevant SMS Documents, or Circulars and/or Company’s Electronic Forms and Checklists.
- Ability to create a fully customizable Risk Matrix according to each company’s needs, taking into account the likelihood of each hazard to occur and the impact it might have on people, environment, property etc.
- Risk Rating of each hazard, prior & after the identification of the existing controls/measures.
- Automatic calculation of the Overall Risk & the Residual Risk of the Operation, according to measures taken.
- Reporting of Risk Assessment from vessels prior to conducting each Operation.
- Notifications mechanism, alerting a single or a group of users, concerning newly arrived Risk Assessment reports.
- Review and/or approval procedure from the office personnel responsible on Risk Assessment reports sent from the vessels.
- Distinguish new hazards and controls identified onboard from library items, giving office users the ability to monitor vessels’ recommendations in order to analyze them and include them in the Library in the next Risk Assessment Library re-evaluation.
- Extensive reporting capabilities. Creation of reports per operation, providing statistics about Risk Management.
- Integration with Fortune Planned Maintenance & Fortune Vessel Operations modules.