Reported information received, are managed and reviewed by the office side. Compliance with international regulations of working hours is evaluated and specified KPIs per vessel are produced where violation on regulations exists.

Fortune Crew Rest Hours is a state of the art integrated solution offering following functionality:
- Report working hours per seafarer.
- Ability to load working hours from a list of setup watches.
- Ability to assign working hours for a seafarer, for a period specified by the user, based on a previous date.
- Validate compliance with international regulations during reporting working hours. Vessel user is notified for Non-conformities (rule violations) occurring.
- Produce a report on the working hours for each seafarer for a period of time (e.g. month).
- Access to the list of rule violations occurred per seafarer and working day, at office side.
- Produce KPIs in the office showing number of violations per vessel, per seafarer and per rule violation.
- Print records of seafarer’s Work/Rest hours for a period of time, based on ILO model or Company specific standards.
- Alerting user(s) when non-conformities arrive from the vessel to office.