The Management of Change submodule is designed to guide users through an approval workflow process to establish planned actions and to implement them in order to treat the change and prevent the occurrence of potential problems. The control mechanism ensures that all temporary, permanent, or emergency changes are reviewed and controlled by the responsible person.
Fortune MOC is a state of the art integrated solution offering following functionality:
- Record office & vessels’ proposals for changes, retaining the historical information for future reference.
- Defining for each change essential information, such as Change Category, Change Identification & Reason, Personnel affected and a fully detailed Action Plan.
- Report a change for the Company or a specific vessel.
- Clone functionality for quick and easy creation of an identical change for more than one vessel simultaneously.
- Reporting of a change based on a Checklist / Questionnaire.
- Define the appropriate Team Leader who will carry out the evaluation process and will establish Team Members which will then analyze the change in order to identify all relevant hazards.
- Distinguish temporary, emergency, or permanent changes and specify Target Date for the completion of each one.
- Integration with Fortune Risk Assessment submodule to assess possible risk of the change.
- Define documents affected from different areas and trainings needed. Notifications are automatically sent to the responsible persons.
- Allocation of Actions to be taken to office users or crew responsible and follow-up their progress.
- Verify and Close Out the Management of Change.
- Review the effectiveness of a change on a defined date.
- Notification mechanism, alerting a single or a group of users at each stage of the Management of Change process.
- Keep Log of the approval workflow process.